EMT Lesson Plans
Section 9.02 Exiting Scenarios / Finals Station: Vitals Testing
This examination requires that the student take a blood pressure and a heart rate on a mechanical arm and be within a margin of error of the machine results.
This scenario will test the student’s ability to:
1. Demonstrate how to measure blood pressure by auscultation. (pp 296–300, Skill Drill 8-3) 2. Demonstrate taking a heart rate on a patient
Setup: You will need a blood pressure arm with BP cuff and a stethoscope.
Set up the blood pressure arm. Program a heart rate and a blood pressure. Allow the student to take a blood pressure by auscultation and a pulse rate.
BLOOD PRESSURE: Station is successful if: the student’s result for systolic pressure is within 6 mmHg of machine-programmed value And the student’s result for diastolic pressure is within 6 mmHg of machine-programmed value
PULSE RATE: Station is successful if the student’s result for heart rate is within 4 beats of programmed value
Section 9.02 Exiting Scenarios / Finals Exiting Written Exam
Administer the Exiting Written Exam. The student must score 75% or better to be successful.
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