EMT Lesson Plans
Section 9.02 Exiting Scenarios / Finals Scenario: Airway
This examination is the National Registry’s BVM Apneic Patient station. You should administer the station as per the skills sheet by reading the EXAMINER segments and observing the student for proper technique.
This scenario will test the student’s ability to:
1. Demonstrate how to place an oxygen cylinder into service. (pp 349–350, Skill Drill 9-7)
2. Demonstrate the use of a partial rebreathing mask in providing supplemental oxygen therapy to
patients. (p 352)
3. Demonstrate how to operate a suction unit. (p 344
4. Demonstrate how to assist a patient with ventilations using the bag-mask device for one and two rescuers. (p 354)
Setup: You will need a cohort bag, a suction unit, and an airway head/torso.
Do not verbalize interventions such as oxygen or suction – the purpose of this station is for the student to demonstrate adequate technique in using these devices.
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