EMT Policy and Procedure
4.05 EMT Program Quality Assurance
Date: 09/29/17
Less Stress Instructional Services has adopted a comprehensive Quality Assurance program to guarantee that EMT students have a high-quality and high-satisfaction educational experience. Quality Assurance efforts shall consist of three phases: Program Review Instructional Staff Compliance and Education Solicitation and review of EMT Training Course student feedback Program Review: The Programs Director will on a yearly basis (on or about September) review EMT program structure and delivery including but not limited to: Course schedule and structure EMT Training Policy and Procedures To perform the above, the Programs Director will review documentation, solicit the opinion of instructional staff via meeting or online collaboration, and evaluate products and services on the market. Modifications to program content, policy and procedure, equipment and supplies, or program resources shall be made to continuously improve the program. Instructional Staff Compliance and Education: Instructional Staff shall be inserviced to insure compliance with NJAC 8:40a and adherence to the policies and procedures of the EMT Training Program. Staff shall be required to undergo: EMT Instructors: Yearly review of documentation by LSIS Office Staff Yearly competencies Written examination analysis and modification Psychomotor Skills analysis and modification Review of equipment and supply needs Evaluation of current textbook utilized Evaluation of supplemental content provided to student (self-exams, videos, etc)
Yearly inservicing on topics of current relevancy to EMT instructors Yearly instructor monitoring by the Programs Director/Coordinator EMT Lead Instructors: As EMT Instructor plus Yearly inservicing on topics of current relevancy to EMT Lead instructors Yearly Lead Instructor monitoring by the Programs Director/Coordinator
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