EMT Policy and Procedure
4.04 EMT Instructor/Aide Ongoing Compliance
Date: 09/29/17
To insure that instructional staff is complaint with NJAC 8:40a and policies 4.01 and 4.02, the Programs Coordinator shall yearly (in or about September) audit all instructor files (physical folders and digital instructor folders in Training Center Manager software) to ascertain the following: All EMT Instructors: have on file current EMT(I) certification cards; confirmation of instructor status on
www.NJEMS.us shall not serve as a substitute for an EMT(I) card have on file current Professional-Level CPR certification card have completed EMT Instructor Inservicing in the current calendar year have received an EMT Instructor monitoring in the current calendar year has completed EMT Instructor competencies in the current calendar year
All EMT Lead Instructors:
As EMT Instructor above plus Have received an EMT Lead Instructor Monitoring in the current calendar year Have completed the EMT Lead Instructor inservicing in the current calendar year
All EMT Instructor Aides:
have on file current EMT certification cards; confirmation of provider status on www.NJEMS.us shall not serve as a substitute for an EMT(I) card have on file current Professional-Level CPR certification card have completed EMT Instructor Inservicing in the current calendar year have been monitored in the current calendar year has completed EMT Instructor competencies in the current calendar year has a copy of the EMT Instructor Aide Development form on file for the current calendar year Where EMT Instructors or EMT Instructor Aides have incomplete files the Programs Coordinator shall: Request missing documents be submitted Schedule the instructor for missing competencies or monitoring Where EMT Instructors or aides remain out of compliance with 8:40a or policies 4.01 and 4.02, the Programs Coordinator shall suspend teaching activities for that staff member until they can establish compliance with those requirements.
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