EMT Lesson Plans
Respiratory Arrest 4 Patient is a 59-year old sitting in an armchair Takes appropriate BSI Gloves Scene Size-Up Determines safety Safe MOI / NOI NOI – unknown Number of patients 1 Requests additional help ALS Stabilization of the spine No Primary Survey/Resuscitation General impression
Respiratory Arrest 3 Patient is a 48-year old collapsed in restaurant Takes appropriate BSI Gloves Scene Size-Up Determines safety Safe MOI / NOI NOI – unknown Number of patients 1 Requests additional help ALS Stabilization of the spine No Primary Survey/Resuscitation General impression Adult collapsed on ground Responsiveness/LOC Unresponsive Determines chief complaint Unresponsive Assess airway and breathing Airway full of vomit Apneic Assess circulation No bleeding, pulse present at wrist, skin cool cyanotic dry Identifies patient priority High Vitals SAMPLE BP: 108/62 S – Not available Pulse: 78 A – Not available Respirations: 0 Critical Criteria Did not take safety or BSI precautions Fails to request ALS Did not fully assess airway Did not fully assess breathing Did not fully assess circulation, including pulse and skin Is there a need for oxygen in this patient? (yes – cyanosis) Is there a need to bag this patient? Why? (apneic) What was the most pressing issue in this patient? (Vomit – airway compromise) Is there a need for an airway? (yes – unresponsive) Debriefing Points: M – Not available P- Not available L – Not available E – Not available
Respiratory Arrest 2 Patient is a 10-month old collapsed in in bed Takes appropriate BSI Gloves Scene Size-Up Determines safety Safe MOI / NOI NOI – unknown Number of patients 1 Requests additional help ALS Stabilization of the spine No Primary Survey/Resuscitation General impression Baby in bed looks blue Responsiveness/LOC Unresponsive Determines chief complaint Unresponsive Assess airway and breathing Airway open Breathes 6 / minute Assess circulation No bleeding, pulse present at wrist, skin cool cyanotic dry Identifies patient priority High Vitals SAMPLE BP: 88/50 S – Not available Pulse: 78 A – Not available Respirations: 6/min
Respiratory Arrest 1 Patient is a 82-year old collapsed in kitchen Takes appropriate BSI Gloves Scene Size-Up Determines safety Safe MOI / NOI NOI – unknown Number of patients 1 Requests additional help ALS Stabilization of the spine No Primary Survey/Resuscitation General impression
Adult sitting in a chair awkwardly Unresponsive Unresponsive Snoring Breathing 5 times per minute No bleeding, pulse present at wrist, skin cool cyanotic dry
Elderly person on floor not moving Responds to pain
Responsiveness/LOC Determines chief complaint Assess airway and breathing
Responsiveness/LOC Determines chief complaint Assess airway and breathing Assess circulation
Snoring Breathes 2 / minute No bleeding, pulse present at wrist, skin warm dry
Assess circulation
Identifies patient priority
Identifies patient priority
BP: 182/98 Pulse: 62
S – Not available A – Not available M – Not available P- Not available L – Not available E – Not available
BP: 143/80 Pulse: 90
S – Not available A – Not available M – Not available P- Not available L – Not available E – Not available
M – Not available P- Not available L – Not available E – Not available
Respirations: 2/min
Respirations: 5
Critical Criteria Did not take safety or BSI precautions Fails to request ALS Did not fully assess airway Did not fully assess breathing Did not fully assess circulation, including pulse and skin
Critical Criteria Did not take safety or BSI precautions Fails to request ALS Did not fully assess airway Did not fully assess breathing Did not fully assess circulation, including pulse and skin
Critical Criteria Did not take safety or BSI precautions Fails to request ALS Did not fully assess airway Did not fully assess breathing Did not fully assess circulation, including pulse and skin What was the most pressing issue in this patient? (cannot bag effectively when sitting) Is there a need to bag this patient? Why? (5 breaths per minute) Is there a need for an airway? (yes – unresponsive) Debriefing Points:
Debriefing Points:
Debriefing Points:
Is there a need for oxygen in this patient? (yes – cyanosis) Is there a need to bag this patient? Why? (6 breaths/minute) Is there a need for an airway? (yes – unresponsive)
Is there a need for oxygen in this patient? Is there a need to bag this patient? Why? (2 breaths/minute) What is the relevance of the snoring? (tongue) How do you fix the snoring? (OPA/NPA)
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