EMT Lesson Plans
Objectives: Demonstrate connecting a BVM to an ET tube. Demonstrate identifying a displaced ET tube
- BVM and oxygen system - EMT manikin/airway head with ability to be intubated - ET Tube, Laryngoscope, Syringe, stethoscope - ET3 with video laryngoscopy is of special value here (optional)
Instructions to be read to students: “I am going to demonstrate how to work with an ET Tube ALS has placed”
Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through assemblies until time is up.
Please note the following:
This station is about seeing an ET tube, hooking your BVM to it, knowing when it is in place, and being able to spot a problem with it. You will need to intubate the manikin to be able to run this station. Students should understand the significance of auscultating the epigastrum and bilateral breath sounds. Once they know how to do that, run the through the following mini-scenarios:
“You are transporting an intubated patient to the hospital when the driver hits a pothole very fast and the truck shakes aggressively. You notice that the BVM is a bit harder to squeeze since that happened.”
No breath sounds
No breath sounds
Outcome: Tube in Esophagus – Alert Paramedic
“You are transporting an intubated patient to the hospital when the driver makes a sharp turn and the paramedic bumps into your bagging arm harshly disturbing the tube.”
Clear breath sounds
No breath sounds
Outcome: Tube in Right Mainstem – Alert Paramedic
No sounds
“You are transporting an intubated patient to the hospital when the patient has a violent seizure. The paramedics manage to control the patient with medication. ”
Clear breath sounds
Clear breath sounds
Outcome: Tube is OK – no action needed
No sounds
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