EMT Lesson Plans
Objectives: Demonstrate the use of a manually triggered ventilation device to assist in delivering artificial ventilation to the patient. (pp 360–361)
Demonstrate how to position the unconscious patient. (pp 335–336, Skill Drill 9-2) Demonstrate the steps in performing the head tilt–chin lift maneuver. (p 337) Demonstrate mouth-to-mask ventilation. (pp 356–357, Skill Drill 9-8)
Setup: - A good quality mask with an oxygen inlet (Laerdal Pocket Mask, Ambu Mask) - You will need a good quality CPR manikin (not an airway manikin) such as Resusci Anne, Little Anne - You will need mask mouthpieces (1/student) - Oxygen system with MTV device Instructions to be read to students: “I am going to demonstrate several skills, and we will practice each one immediately after I demonstrate it.” - Assembling and disassembling a pocket mask (if you have enough masks, do everyone together at once) - Rescue breathing with a pocket mask from cephalic position (top of patient)
- Rescue breathing with a pocket mask from lateral position (side) - Rescue breathing with a MTV from cephalic position (top of patient)
Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through assemblies until time is up.
Please note the following:
- Students should be encouraged to ventilate patients from the cephalic position at all times as it generally improves airway opening and mask seals. Lateral position is taught for pocket mask (but no other device) since a student may one day be doing 1-Rescuer CPR with a pocket mask and be forced to operate from the patient’s side. - Assembling a pocket mask is NOT something people do quickly or easily if they have never done it. Be sure to do that portion, remembering that psychomotor skills don’t absorb fully in one attempt. Shoot for three turns or more at it. - DO NOT demonstrate all the skills at once and then have students practice them all together. It is not efficiently remembered by the students.
Stress the need to cover as much of the mask as possible with the top hand
Do not let them make a “C” grip down here. This technique is ideal where the thumb and forefinger pinch the mask to the chin and lift it into mask
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