EMT Lesson Plans
EMT Program Lesson Plan Section 1.14 – Preparatory Skills Lab
Class Materials Needed: Communications - 2 Way Radios (2-3)
Lesson Type:
Skill Lab
Instructor Ratio: 1: 6
1:10 with an aide
- Nitroglyvcerin tablets - Auto-Injector Trainer - Aspirin Tablets - Oral Glucose - Naloxone (with atomizer)
Infection Control Station
- GloGerm product spray - UV Light
Therapeutic Communications - Child Manikin
Exposure Management/Decontamination Station - GloGerm Product Spray - UV light - Cleaning wipes (bleach-free)
Student Materials Needed:
- 1.14 Skills Sheet 1/ student - 1 pair of gloves per student - 1 N95 Respiratory per student
00:00-00:15 00:15-01:55 01:55-02:00
Station Instructions
Rotating Stations – Approximately 20 minutes each
Conclusion / Wrap up
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