EMT Lesson Plans
Chapter 17: Endocrine and Hematologic Emergencies
Na onal EMS Educa on Standard Competencies
Medicine Applies fundamental knowledge to provide basic emergency care and transporta on based on assessment ndings for an acutely ill pa ent.
Endocrine Disorders Awareness that:
Diabe c emergencies cause altered mental status (p 632) Anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, assessment, and management of: Acute diabe c emergencies (pp 604, 608, 612)
Knowledge Objec ves 1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system and its main func on in the body. (p 621) 2. De ne and explain the terms diabetes, low blood glucose, and high blood glucose and dis nguish between the two types of diabetes and how their onset pa erns di er. (pp 621–622) 3. Discuss the role of glucose as a major source of energy for the body and its rela onship to insulin. (pp 622–623) 4. Describe the di erences and similari es between hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic diabe c emergencies, including their onset, signs and symptoms, and management considera ons. (pp 624–626) 5. Explain some age-related considera ons when managing a pediatric pa ent who is experiencing a hypoglycemic crisis. (p 626) 6. Discuss the steps the EMT should follow when conduc ng a primary and secondary assessment of a pa ent with an altered mental status who is a suspected diabe c pa ent. (pp 626–629) 7. Explain the process for assessing and managing the airway of a pa ent with an altered mental status, including ways to di eren ate a hyperglycemic pa ent from a hypoglycemic pa ent. (pp 627, 629, 632–633) 8. Describe the interven ons for providing emergency medical care to both a conscious and unconscious pa ent with an altered mental status and a history of diabetes who is having a hypoglycemic crisis. (p 629) 9. Describe the interven ons for providing emergency medical care to both a conscious and unconscious pa ent with an altered mental status and a history of diabetes who is having a hyperglycemic crisis. (p 629) 10. Explain when it is appropriate to obtain medical direc on when providing emergency medical care to a diabe c pa ent. (p 629) 11. Provide the generic and trade names, form, dose, administra on, indica ons and contraindica ons for giving oral glucose to a pa ent with a decreased level of consciousness who has a history of diabetes. (pp 630–631) 12. Explain some age-related considera ons when managing a geriatric pa ent who has undiagnosed diabetes. (p 630)
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