EMT Lesson Plans
Station: Trauma Assessment
This statioŶ ǁill test a ĐaŶdidate’s aďility to perforŵ the folloǁiŶg oďjeĐtiǀes:
1. Demonstrate how to use the AVPU scale to test for patient responsiveness. (p 262) 2. Demonstrate how to evaluat e a patieŶt’s oƌieŶtatioŶ aŶd doĐuŵeŶt his oƌ heƌ status ĐoƌƌeĐtly. (pp Ϯ6Ϯ– 264) 3. Demonstrate how to test pupil reaction in response to light in a patient and how to document his or her status correctly. (pp 264 – 265) 4. Demonstrate the techniques for ass essiŶg a patieŶt’s aiƌǁay aŶd ĐoƌƌeĐtly oďtaiŶiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌelated to respiratory rate, rhythm, quality/character of breathing, and depth of breathing. (pp 265 – 269) 5. Demonstrate how to assess a radial pulse in a responsive or an unresponsive patient. (pp 270 – 272) 6. Demonstrate how to assess a carotid pulse in an unresponsive patient. (pp 270 – 272) 9. Demonstrate how to assess capillary refill in an adult or child older than 6 years. (pp 273 – 274) 11. Demonstrate how to perform a rapid scan of a patient. (pp 275 – 277, Skill Drill 8-1) 12. Demonstrate the use of a pulse oximetry device to evaluate the effectiveness of oxygenation in the patient. (pp 289 – 290) ϭϯ. DeŵoŶstƌate the use of eleĐtƌoŶiĐ deǀiĐes to assist iŶ deteƌŵiŶiŶg the patieŶt’s ďlood pƌessuƌe in the field. (pp 290 – 291) 14. Demonstrate how to perform a full-body scan. (pp 291 – 295, Skill Drill 8-2)
Instructions: Read the sĐƌipted sĐeŶaƌio aŶd oďseƌǀe the studeŶt’s peƌfoƌŵaŶĐe aŶd ƌeĐoƌd fiŶdiŶgs oŶ skills sheet.
Precautions: Do not lead the student or correct performance. This is a testing station and no feedback should be offered.
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