EMT Lesson Plans
3.13 Pa ent Assessment Scenario Lab I Sta on: MIsc Medical Instructor Guidance Objec ves: 1. Demonstrate how to use the AVPU scale to test for pa ent responsiveness. (p 262)
2. Demonstrate how to evaluate a pa ent’s orienta on and document his or her status correctly. (pp 262–264) 3. Demonstrate the techniques for assessing a pa ent’s airway and correctly obtaining informa on related to respiratory rate, rhythm, quality/character of breathing, and depth of breathing. (pp 265–269) 4. Demonstrate how to assess a radial pulse in a responsive pa ent (pp 270–272) 5. Demonstrate history-taking using the SAMPLE mnemonic and the OPQRST mnemonic 6. Demonstrate how to measure blood pressure by ausculta on. (pp 296–300, Skill Drill 8-3) 7. Demonstrate how to measure blood pressure by palpa on. (p 300) 8. Demonstrate taking a heart rate on a pa ent 9. Demonstrate taking a breathing rate on a pa ent 10. Demonstrate how to obtain a pulse rate in a pa ent. (pp 270–272) 11. Demonstrate how to assess capillary re ll in an adult or child older than 6 years. (pp 273–274) 12. Demonstrate how to perform a focused assessment of a pa ent 13. Demonstrate the use of a pulse oximetry device to evaluate the e ec veness of oxygena on in the pa ent. (pp 289– 290) 14. Demonstrate the use of electronic devices to assist in determining the pa ent’s blood pressure in the eld. (pp 290– 291) 15. Demonstrate how to measure blood pressure by ausculta on. (pp 296–300, Skill Drill 8-3)
16. Demonstrate how to measure blood pressure by palpa on. (p 300) 17. Demonstrate how to solicit a medical history from a pa ent (pp 278)
Setup: You will need your cohort bag and a stairchair. Deployment: DO NOT LECTURE – your students should be working hands-on within 5 minutes of arriving
Deploy your students in one team – one student should be pa ent, the rest rescuers. The pa ent should sit and pretend to be sad. Have them transi on through the scenario on the back of this sheet like any other scenario from a scenario lab day. Debrie ng: Give students feedback on the case a er it is complete. Some points to discuss:
- Did they provide oxygen? This pa ent probably does not need it. - Did they do a focused secondary assessment for behavioral emergency
o Thorough interview targeted to self-harm o Examina on of body for signs of self-harm EMT students always do too li le physical exam for medical pa ents. Make sure they do the above physical exam items. - How would the admission of suicidal idea on a ect his ability to Refuse Medical Care (he cannot sign an RMA as it would make him mentally incapable)
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