MAO Manual
Exposure Management One of the most important concepts in a bloodborne pathogens training program is knowing how to manage exposures. An exposure is an event where blood or some other potentially infectious material makes contact with a method of entry. If you have a bloodborne exposure, you should immediately: Wash the affected area with soap and water so as to get the infectious material off of you as soon as possible. Report the exposure to a supervisor. At every workplace with a bloodborne pathogens program there is an individual who is appointed to manage bloodborne exposures called an Exposure Control Officer. This person will coordinate your post-exposure care. Get the medical treatment and followup that your employer arranges for you. Your employer has a responsibility to coordinate a medical evaluation to evaluate the extend of your exposure, and what follow-up care you may need. The medical care you receive will be at no cost to you and completely confidential. Your employer will not be notified of any diagnosis made as a result of your medical examination.
Sharp Items If a sharp item becomes soiled with blood or bodily fluid, it cannot be placed into a plasttic biohazard bag since it will break open the bag. Sharp items must be placed into a Sharps Container, a plastic box that is leak-proof, puncture-proof, spill-proof,and clearly labelled with the biohazard symbol.
Sharps Container
Exposure Control Plan Your workplace will have a written policy and set of procedures regarding bloodborne pathogens called an Exposure Control Plan. This plan should be readilty available to you at your workplace anytime you are working so you can read it or refer to it after an exposure. The exposure control plan will remind you of the appropriate steps to take after an exposure occurs.
Employer-Specific Items to Identify:
My employer is __________________________________
The Exposure Control Officer at my workplace is _______________________________________
The Exposure Control Plan at my workplace is located __________________________________
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