EMT Policy and Procedure
Course Evaluation Forms
Date: 09/29/17
On the last session (46) of EMT class, the EMT Lead Instructor shall request all EMT students complete an online Course Evaluation Form. This form shall permit student students to submit anonymous feedback directly to the LSIS Office about their EMT training. This data includes feedback about course length, skills sessions, training equipment, their EMT Lead Instructor and other staff members. The EMT Course Evaluation is located at: http://www.lessstress.com/emtcourseeval.htm Data from the course evaluations shall be reviewed by the Programs Director. The data can be reported out for all EMT courses, for one specific course site, or for one specific EMT Lead Instructor. Following the last session of EMT training (46) EMT Lead instructors shall provide the students with the phone number (973-427-9692) and email ( office@lessstress.com ) of the LSIS office as the main point of contact for further student needs. EMT Lead Instructors shall perform the final course audit and submit course records to the LSIS office within 7 days. LSIS Office staff, supervised by the Programs Coordinator, shall be responsible for post-course activities including but not limited to: Receiving outstanding documents such as Hospital Time Sheets, Vital Signs Sheets, etc. Coordinating retests as necessary Marking students COMPLETE in the www.NJEMS.us system A final audit of the student folder shall be conducted by the Programs Coordinator and/or Programs Director. A Final Audit Form shall be included in the folder to document this process. All students shall have fully complete records in their folder and a completed Final Audit form before their Emergency Medical Technician training is considered Complete. Students whose Emergency Medical Technician training is considered Complete shall be marked Complete in the www.NJEMS.us online system so as to make them test-eligible. All outstanding items must be completed and the online record updated within 30 days of the last scheduled session of EMT Training. Transition of Records and Course Closure
Date: 09/29/17
Records Storage
Date: 09/29/17
Course records shall be stored at the Less Stress Instructional Services office file room. This file room shall be locked so as to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to it. EMT training course records shall be retained for a period of no less than seven years. After seven years records shall be destroyed in a manner that protects identification of private student information.
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