EMT Policy and Procedure
When an EMT Lead Instructor has decided to provide student counseling he should use the REMEDIATION / PROGRESS REPORT form (APPENDIX A) utilizing the right side of the form. Fields identifying academic performance, attendance, and punctuality should be completed even if they are within acceptable parameters. Specifics about the counseling session can be entered in the Additional Notes / Counseling / Recommendations field. Instructors providing counseling shall sign and date the form. Students receiving counseling shall also sign and date the form.
Student Grievances and Disputes
Date: 09/29/17
Less Stress Instructional Services is committed to providing high quality and student-focused instruction in emergency care. Occasionally students may have disputes with instructors regarding the way a program is conducted, an evaluation is performed, and/or how course completion is determined. The purpose of this policy is to insure that students are afforded due process and that any decisions made by an EMT Lead Instructor are reviewed by peers and administrators when questioned by a student. Decisions made by EMT Lead Instructors should be consistent with company policy and with the decision that another reasonable EMT instructor would make. The following policy must be followed when such a circumstance occurs: 1. The student should discuss the problem with the EMT Lead Instructor. The Lead instructor should consider the problem and insure that all actions related to the problem were consistent with LSIS policy (for example, if a student is disputing a written exam score the lead instructor should check that the correct exam and answer key were used). In cases where procedures were followed appropriately the student should be referred to step 2 below. 2. The student should be encouraged to write to the Programs Director explaining the nature of the dispute. The complaint should include the following: a. The student involved in the dispute b. The exact nature of the dispute c. The instructor(s) involved in the dispute, if any d. The course policy or academic standard violated The Programs Director, the EMT Lead Instructor, and one additional faculty member will review the dispute and discuss it with the student so as to establish a resolution. 3. Students shall receive a response in writing from the Programs Director within 10 days of any academic dispute filed. Discrimination Disputes: LSIS is committed to providing high quality and student-focused education to all participants regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or other specific traits. It is LSIS’ policy that all students be given equal access to our services and be evaluated equally. Where a student feels they have been discriminated against for some specific reason, the instructor should:
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