2019 EMT Refresher Instructor Manual
A.2.A – Humidifier, simple mask, venturi mask (~16 minutes)
Objectives: Demonstrate the use of a humidifier, simple mask, and venturi mask
- Oxygen system: Oxygen tank, regulator, (TWO OR MORE SYSTEMS IS IDEAL) - Humidifier, simple mask, venturi mask, nebulizer - CPR Manikin for mask placement
Instructions to be read to students: “I am going to demonstrate assembling and utilizing various oxygenation devices.” ‘ Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through assemblies until time is up.
Please note the following:
- Demonstrate each device in use. Do not take more than 5 minutes. Review indications each device.
Humidifier – Explain that humidification may play a small role in street EMS with short transport times, but in medical transportation where patients might have been on oxygen for days or hours it is much more relevant to prevent mucous membrane drying.
Simple Mask – This device provides an intermediary concentration of oxygen (more than cannula and less than NRB) and is not uncommon in medical facilities. It might be encountered in medical transportation.
Venturi Mask– This device provides a precise amount of oxygen using various blenders. Ask the student in the lab to deliver a precise percentage of oxygen (25%, 31%, 35%, 40%) and have the student find the correct liter flow and blender to deliver that amount of oxygen.
Takes appropriate BSI Places SPO2 probe on patient finger Correlates heart rate with radial pulse Connects simple mask and sets O2 to 6-10 lpm Connects venturi mask to oxygen
Critical Criteria: ____ Did not take, or verbalize, BSI procedures ____ Attached SPO2 without radial pulse correlation ____ Selected incorrect venturi jet for FiO2 desired ____ Could not state ideal SPO2 range ____ Could not attach humidifier to circuit correctly
Examiner informs the candidate the transport order calls for the administration of 28% oxygen
Selects correct jet to administer 28% FiO2
Examiner informs the candidate the transport order calls for the administration of 40% oxygen Selects correct jet to administer 40% FiO2 Examiner asks the candidate what would be the ideal range for titrating oxygen delivery Candidate states “> 95% SPO2” Examiner Informs the candidate the transport will be over an hour long Candidate attaches humidifier to oxygen delivery system
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