2019 EMT Refresher Instructor Manual
C.3.A – Table Top Triage – Scenario 1
Objectives: - Demonstrate triage, how the four triage categories are assigned to patients on the scene, and how destination decisions regarding triaged patients are made. (pp 1396–1400) - Demonstrate how START triage methods are performed. (pp 1398–1399)
Setup: - Triage Kit with patients, rescuers, and vehicles
Instructions to be read to students: “I have set up a scene on this table top. There has been shooting at this post office branch and you have a number of patients presenting for treatment. You are this responding BLS ambulance with two EMTs on board. You have just arrived on scene – please describe your first actions and proceed with your triage strategy.”
Precautions: Get the group to achieve consensus on the action before they make any moves. Rescuers should: - Ensure scene safety - Call for additional resources - Tell the ambulatory to walk to a safe spot - Go to the nearest patient and triage him/her - Go the next closes patient and triage him/her. Repeat until all patients are triaged. - Treat/transport the RED patients as quickly as possible as triage burden lessens - Treat/transport the YELLOW and GREEN patients as triage is completed.
Triage Scenario Scene Size-up Establishes scene is safe Calls for additional resources Establishes an incident commander / EMS Branch Director Triage Operation Assigns Triage Supervisor Assigns providers to triage functions Patients are triaged into four START colors Continues assigning resources to triage operation until all patients are triaged Treatment Operation Assigns Treatment Supervisor Assigns providers to treatment functions as Triage effort nears conclusion Treats patients triaged RED first Treats patients triaged YELLOW second Treats patients triaged GREEN last Transport Operation Assigns Transport Supervisor Transports patients triaged RED first Transports patients triaged YELLOW second Transports patients triaged GREEN last Other Patient injuries correctly treated according to standard of care Correct use of NJ Triage Tag Critical Criteria: ___ Failure to establish scene safety ___ Failure to request additional resourses ___ Failure to identify an incident commander / EMS Branch Director
___ Failure to Assign Triage Supervisor ___ Failure to allocate resources to triage ___ Failure to Assign Treatment Supervisor ___ Failure to allocate resources to treatment ___ Failure to Assign Transport Supervisor ___ Failure to allocate resources to transport
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