2019 EMT Refresher Instructor Manual
B.1.B – Kyphoid Spine Instructor Guidance
Objectives: Demonstrate spinal immobilization of a patient with spinal kyphosis Demonstrate airway maintenance of a patient with spinal kyphosis
- Cohort Bag - Kyphoid Spine Prop
If a backboard is available, use it to have a backboard discussion after running the medical scenario.
Blanket Roll
Deployment: DO NOT LECTURE – your students should be working hands-on within 5 minutes of arriving Deploy your students in one team – one student or the instructor should be patient, the rest rescuers. Strap the blanket roll around the back of the kyphoid patient (behind the shoulders). Ideally this should be below clothing. Debriefing: Give students feedback on the application of the device after it is complete. Some points to discuss: - Did they pad behind the head of the kyphoid patient? - Can they name some conditions that would cause a kyphoid spine (Osteoporosis, cancers that weaken bones)
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