2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo
Seizure Seizure
Universal Patient Assessment
Clinical Considerations Seizure may be caused by: Hypoxia Head trauma Toxicity Electrolyte imbalance Eclampsia CNS disturbance (CVA/TIA)
Protect patient’s head but do not restrain patient.
Adult Airway Protocol
Cardiac Monitor
Clinical Considerations If eclampsia is the suspected cause, see Eclampsia / Preeclampsia Protocol
Consider the need for rapid transport or ALS response.
Check BGL
Clinical Considerations The IM route is chosen for speed of seizure termination. DO NOT wait to start an IV before giving Versed. Give Versed IM, then attempt the IV/IO. DO NOT give Versed IV at these doses.
Hypoglycemia Protocol
If actively seizing:
Versed 10mg IM only May repeat once in 3-5 minutes at 5mg if necessary. Versed should be given IM regardless of IV presence.
Adult IV/IO
Clinical Considerations Seizures are common and not necessarily a life threat. Status Epilepticus is a life threat.
Duration > 5 minutes > 2 seizures without
consciousness between them Repeated seizures for > 30 minutes
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