2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo
Trumbull Memorial Hospital Center for Prehospital Care
Patient Care Protocols – 2016 – Version 1.2 (02/2016)
Emergency Medical Responder Standing Orders
Emergency Medical Technician Standing Orders
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Standing Orders
Paramedic Standing Orders
Special Permission Granted by Medical Direction General information to consider
This document outlines the standing orders for providers of the appropriate level acting under the medical direction provided by Trumbull Memorial Hospital. These standing orders have been written and approved by the present EMS Board and Medical Director prior to publishing. These orders should be considered a “living document” and are subject to edits and updates on a regular basis to ensure the continuity of evidence based practices. This protocol may not be altered or tampered with in any way without the exclusive written permission of the EMS Medical Director. Any deviation from this protocol must reside within the State of Ohio EMS Scope of Practice and be justified to the EMS Medical Director and the EMS Coordinator as a decision that was in the best interest of the patient.
This document may be reproduced and distributed for free to EMS providers and agencies operating under the medical direction of Trumbull Memorial Hospital or others for educational purposes.
Questions and comments should be directed to:
Matthew Ozanich, MHHS, NRP EMS Coordinator | Trumbull Memorial Hospital 1350 East Market Street | Warren, OH 44482 (330)-841-9066 | Matthew_Ozanich@vchs.net
As the EMS Medical Director for Trumbull Memorial Hospital, I do authorize use of the medical treatments, procedures, and guidelines contained in this document to agencies operating under these standing orders.
DISCLAIMER: Although the authors of this document have made great efforts to ensure that all the information is accurate, there may be errors. The authors cannot be held responsible for any such errors, and any suspected error should be immediately reported to the EMS Medical Director or the EMS Coordinator.
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