2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo

Multiple Casualty Incident

Multiple Casualty Incident

1. Triage starts by the first EMS provider on the scene. Note the number of victims, severity of injuries, and resources needed to complete the incident.

2. Incident Command System (ICS) shall be set up as soon as possible.

3. The first EMS provider begins triage and assumes the position of Incident Commander. It is his/her responsibility to oversee the operation until higher-ranking officers are available to take over.

4. Triage starts by asking the non-injured and those only slightly injured to move to an area set up for them. Have them stay in a group.

5. The triage officer moves quickly through the victims manually opening airways only. Do not stop to do treatment.

6. A second EMS provider starts behind the triage officer and assesses patients with primary ABC’s. At this time the patient receives a ribbon. Attempt to place ribbons consistently on the same limb, or in obvious view. Black Dead or has no chance for survival Red Is in very critical condition and needs first treatment and transportation Yellow Serious condition, can wait for treatment and transport Green Good condition, can wait until last to be treated

No treatment can be provided yet if limited on help.

7. It is very important to complete steps 5 and 6 before tying yourself up with treatment. This is particularly true when very short staffed.

8. The next sector needs to be assigned to the treatment area. The red tags shall be treated first. The most critical patients shall be given to the next sector officer (transportation officer).

9. The transportation officer has the responsibility to ensure that adequate and appropriate transportation is available (squads, medics, helicopters). It is very important that the transportation officer keeps close records of names and / or tag numbers of all patients transported and where they were sent. 10. This is the basic plan of action to be taken when you encounter multiple victims with limited help. This plan of action can be altered by the Incident Commander on the scene. As help arrives on the scene, more EMS personnel can be assigned to each sector officer as needed. As a sector finishes their task, they can be reassigned. In some cases more sector officers may need to be added for other jobs such as extrication, supply, staging, etc. Incident Commander * Triage Sector * Tagging Sector * Treatment Sector * Transportation Sector (Sectors can be added or deleted as needed.)







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