2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo
Chest Pain / STEMI Chest Pain / STEMI
Obtain a thorough OPQRST and SAMPLE. Remember other pertinent symptoms: SOB, nausea, vomiting, sweating, pale/ashen skin, past history of cardiac disease.
EMTs may assist patient with their prescribed Nitro.
Universal Patient Assessment
Oxygen Titrate SpO2 to 94%
< 15 minute scene time ideal with 12-Lead performed within 5 minutes of patient contact
Cardiac Monitor 12-Lead ECG If EMT or STEMI, transmit
When giving report to receiving facility, start
Any suspected inferior STEMI receives a right sided 12-Lead
conversation by identifying your unit, and say “I have a STEMI,” then explain why.
Aspirin 324 mg PO
Suspected Inferior STEMI
Other Cardiac Chest Pain/STEMI
Systolic BP >100mmHg Patient appears hemodynamically stable.
Nitro Paste 1” or
Nitro Tab 0.4mg SL EMT Call-In Order Repeat tab every 3 min Withhold if BP <100mmHg Systolic
Rapid Transport
Rapid Transport
Adult IV/IO
Adult IV/IO
Adult IV/IO
Fluid Boluses as necessary to maintain perfusion Monitor for pulmonary edema
Withhold if pulse <70bpm Nitro Paste 1” or Nitro Tab 0.4mg SL EMT Call-In Order Be prepared for hypotension May repeat tab once
Consider Fentanyl 50mcg IV/IO
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