2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo

Pediatric Suspected Child Abuse Pediatric Suspected Child Abuse

Universal Pediatric Assessment

Spinal Precautions

If significant trauma, isolated head injury, decreased level of consciousness, or other injury exists, treat per appropriate protocol. Extricate child from scene as soon as possible. Avoid pressing for detailed history of event.

Remember EMS is a mandated reporter of child abuse. Our responsibility is ONLY to report, not investigate.

Pediatric Multiple Trauma Protocol

Law enforcement should be summoned (if not already present) to the scene if parents or caregivers refuse transport after the EMT deems it necessary. Report and carefully document all suspected cases of child abuse. Documentation should include size, shape, color, degree of healing, and location of each injury.

Child abuse should be suspected when any of the following exist:  History is inconsistent with the extent of injury or development age  The injury reflects an outline of an object or mode of infliction  There is a delay in seeking medical attention  There are other unexplained injuries in various stages of healing  The explanation seems vague or confusing

Identify individual county resources for child protective services.







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